Kathy Braud, RRWS
Call for an appointment for a private viewing- I have many choices for you to see.
My goal is to have fun, be enthusiastic, and to share my impressions with you.
Artist Statement: “My goal is to have fun, be enthusiastic, and to share my impressions with you. For me, Art has been a lifelong journey of creativity – from using a sewing machine to expanding my wardrobe, to remodeling our century old home while raising our children and practicing nursing and, finally – to watercolor painting, an activity to counteract my empty nest syndrome. When I realized this medium could capture the essence of a mood, a memory or describe a pleasure, I fell in love with watercolor!
Over the years I have enjoyed my ventures into all kinds of subject matter, locations and opportunities to paint and exhibit. I think there is power in the art we fashion, and this energy can be shared with others. I do like to create drama and boldness in my paintings by playing with light and shadows. I enjoy the serendipity of mixing paint on paper, rapid spreading of color, and the use of layering and texture.
After 24 years of creating art, new information becomes a part of my watermedia knowledge. A former registered nurse, I now use people skills and artistic talents to be an effective artist. My paintings of chickens with color, character and style do add enjoyment to the essence of painting.
Affiliation/Achievements: I am a signature member of the Red River Watercolor Society, a member of Central Minnesota Watercolorists and a member of many art organizations and have held board positions. I teach classes, participate in art shows and events in the state. I have been a successful recipient of many Five Wings Arts Council Individual Artist Grants for educational classes. I value professional development from attending workshops from nationally known artists and regularly uploads images to my website on Fine Art America where I also maintain a blog and schedule of upcoming shows. I am part of Ten Brushes, a group of 10 women who gather to learn, critique and display their variety of art in a common theme.
In 2018 included entry into 2 juried national shows and the Juried MN State Fair fine Art Exhibition. I have also given several demos to art groups this year. I received an ArtPlace grant to provide art at Sprout Growers & Makers MarketPlace.
Business Ventures: My work is on display and can be viewed easily by the public in many local establishments in Little Falls and Brainerd and my home gallery/studio in Little Falls, MN. I have lovely art at the Shoppes of Little Falls located downtown near Bank Square. Open Monday - Saturday from 10 AM - 6 PM and Sunday from 12 Noon - 4 PM.
Gallery: The paintings below are the work of this artist. As indicated, some are for sale; others are exhibited to show the variety of approaches and/or subjects painted by this artist.
Hover over each painting to read the information and/or double click to enlarge.