CMW members met for the December Meeting and Holiday Card Exchange at Atonement Lutheran Church on Monday, December 13th. A brief meeting was presided over by our President Kerry Kupferschmidt. Treasurer Ralph Carpenter and Vice President Sandra Theis gave reports. Reminders were given: no meeting in January; the February meeting is Easel Night and the President’s theme is “Sheer Beauty of Winter”; sign up was/is available for the upcoming Centra Care and Whitney shows; 2022 Membership Dues are due by the end of December; a waiting list only is available for the May Spring Retreat in Cold Spring as registration is full at this time. Check out the News and/or Calendar pertaining to these opportunities.
THANK YOU! Mary Buhl was recognized for her contribution to CMW for the many years she has volunteered to be the Website Administrator and was presented with a thank you card from the group. She and Paula Tift, her replacement, presented information and a demonstration of the new website. A special thank you to Gordon Schrank for his expertise and equipment used to project the website screen for all to view. Please take time to review the Website and subscribe on the main page and under “Up Next”!
Attendees brought and shared a wonderful variety of snacks and goodies. Then came the exciting card exchange! Photos of each card are attached.
And last but certainly not least, Susan Jensen-Cekalla’s name was drawn to receive the bright and beautiful door prize created and provided by Yvonne Schrank. Yvonne has gifted CMW with her creativity by creating beautiful door prizes and table settings for our social gatherings on many occasions. Thank you Yvonne!
Door Prize by Yvonne Schrank
Anita Hendrickx
Arlette Twedt
Barb Nelson
Barb Rogan
Claudia Forsberg
Diane Runberg
Donna Smith
Gordon Schrank
Jan Roering
Kerry Kupferschmidt
Mary Buhl
Mike Leek
Molly Olivier
Pat Spence
Prescott Handley
Ralph Carpenter
Rita Nelson
Sandra Theis
Sharon Houg
Susan Jensen-Cekalla
Tamera Marinaro
Yvonne Schrank